The first picture shown is from one of our art-making meetings. The others are of our table at the Tate Street Festival. We had some great handmade pieces and despite the rain we were able to sell a lot of them! This was our first fundraising event.
Tate St. Festival was a complete success! We made over $200 for our club! Thank you to all who helped out with this event.
News From our amazing faculty advisor/art ed professor: Hi Student officers,
I am so happy to inform you that our proposal submitted to the NAEA National Convention, in Baltimore has been competitively accepted. Congratulation!!! We will go to National!!! As Pat expressed, this is the first time in our history of art department. :) Pat & I are talking about the way we(Four of you & I) can receive college funds from the Dean. I will update with you about this matter.
I would like to meet the group who signed for the mural project to brainstorm ideas for a design. Friday, Oct.16, 4 pm was our next chapter meeting date & time I guess (due to having fall break for the second Friday that we originally chose to meet monthly). We shall call a meeting for the same date as we did set and we also can discuss about the mural. I will bring some finger food for our social and hope to discuss about our picnic!! :) UPCOMING AT THE GATEWOOD: Panel Presentation of K-12 Art Educators
Date: November 4, 2009 @5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Location: Gatewood Gallery Panelist: Lisa Wood (Weavers’ Academy); Lisa Sterling (Southeast High School); Helen Palmentari (Northeast High School); Victoria Wreden-Sadeq (Newcomer’s School); Erin Stesch (Western Guilford High School). Moderator: Dr. Maria Lim